Friday, August 31, 2012

No Water at Home!!

The apartment complex has a water problem and we awoke to no water for showers or the toilets.  This appears to be a problem that will take some time to fix.  This is our water supply arriving to aleviate the problem.  It looks like I have my hand on the pump ready to chip in.  Always willing to help.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Winter in Brazil, Really?

Mom and Dallin hanging at the beach!

We love you too mom!

Captain America has nothing on me!


Frisbee + waves  = Happy Family!

Dallin didn't have school today so we loaded up the car and headed to the beach at Caioba.  Temperature was about 90 degrees and there were probably another 10-15 people there.  We basically had the beach to ourselves which was awesome.  The others might have been scared off by our very white bodies but that is ok.  Dallin have never flown a kite so we picked one up at Sam's Club and he had great success on his first try.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Jovem Visits the Countryside of Campos Gerais!

We delivered some new beds to our elders in Ponta Grossa today and then had some extra time to drive out into the countryside.  Brasil is one beautiful country!!  There are surprises around each and every corner.